07540 750 745

Dermal Fillers

Facial Line Softening

Eyelash Extensions

fat dissolving

Lincoln Aesthetic


Facial Line Softening is a treatment that temporarily paralyses muscles by blocking nerve impulses. As a result of this the relaxed muscle can no longer contract thus smoothing out frown lines. This treatment is not permanent. Repeated treatments are necessary for continued wrinkle-reducing effects. Most people find that the muscle-relaxing effect lasts for 3 to 4 months; however, it varies from person to person and can last longer.

Most common choices for application are one area (Crows Feet – eyes area), two areas (Forehead and frown lines) and three areas (all above). Additional areas often treated are brow lift, gummy smile, smokers’ lines, downturned mouth, bunny lines, pebbled/dimpled chin, lip flip.

Consultation is required before any treatment is carried out. At this appointment, the prescriber/practitioner will ask about the main areas of concern as well as going through a detailed medical history form. Photographs may be required.

Lincoln Aesthetic


Chemical Brow Lift is useful for those who have excessive skin that laterally covers the eyes, thereby giving a sleepy appearance.

Bunny Lines/Nasalis is an advanced procedure aims to reduce/soften the wrinkles that develop on the lateral/dorsal aspects of the nose, but which may extend to the lower eyelid. In some people, these lines occur during a natural expression, whilst in others, the same may happen simply during active movements such as laughing sniffing and squinting.

‘Gummy Smile’/Levator Labii Superioris – when some people smile, their upper lips widen too far exposing their gums, which does not look good. It is caused by the hyperactive upper lips’ muscles. This problem is further accentuated when the upper gum is exposed too much. The treatment can help with the appearance by relaxing the muscles. The effect last on average for 4 months.

Smoker’s Lines/Perioral Lines are very stubborn wrinkles, which are caused by a variety of factors such as age, genetics, lifestyle habits, and smoking. These fine perioral, radial lines on the upper and/or lower lip radiating from the red lip border because of the shrinkage of the Orbicularis Oris muscle surrounding the mouth like a purse string. Relaxant treatment can be used to control it. Some lines you can see when you do the movements others are static. This treatment will soften the lines but for full results Dermal Fillers can be used in addition to fill static lines. Effect last 3-4 months.

‘Downturned Corners of the Mouth’ – relaxant treatment can cause the downward pull of the corners of the mouth to revert and it also helps lift the same. Treatment last 3-4 months.

Pebbled/Dimpled Chin/Mentalis – dimples are caused by shrinking of the chin muscle. Treatment can relax those muscles and last 3-4 months.

Lip Flip is a non-surgical procedure that usually takes less than 30 minutes to complete from start to finish. The treatment involves injecting relaxant into the orbicularis oris, a muscle that surrounds the mouth and controls the movements of the mouth and lips. Treatment relaxes the muscle fibres that hold the lips in place, allowing the upper and/or lower lips to flip outward. This creates the illusion of fuller lips without affecting lip function. It’s important to note that while a lip flip can enhance the appearance of your lips, it does not actually add volume.


Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) is a frequent problem affecting the armpits, hands and feet, and a major cause of distress and anxiety. It prevents the glands from producing sweat under armpits. This revolutionising treatment is successful in 95% and can leave you sweat-free from your underarms for up to 8 months.


The skin on our necks can lose volume and the loose skin can drag our faces down. This can also give the appearance of an ageing neck. Also, as we get older, we can develop vertical “bands” along our necks giving us a “turkey neck”. The effect is to improve the definition of the jawline, relax the jowls and provide an 15%-20% ‘upward lifting effect’ in the neck and jaw area. It lasts 3-6 months. Treatment isn’t a replacement for surgery.


The treatment has two purposes: medical for those who suffer from bruxism (grinding teeth) or for aesthetics reason to reduce the width of the jawline. Some patients tend to develop overly square and masculine facial features due to large or overactive muscles around the jaw. Muscle relaxant can selectively weaken this muscle over time leading to an overall reduction in the size of masseter muscle, allowing for improved facial proportions. Treatment takes 6 weeks to see improvements and last for 6 months.

Restore your youthful appearance with facial line softening treatment by Lincoln Aesthetic

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07540 750 745

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